Tye is a charity organization committed to bringing about a just world free from poverty. We do this by changing the mind set of young less fortunate people to attitudes and skills that transforms them from a subsistence life style and to top market driven careers.
Our vision is that people should be able to live free from poverty, where their rights and safety are exercised and their needs provided for to be part of a wider community development effort.
We are well aware that extreme poverty cripples people’s struggle to claim their rights and find it hard to participate in decisions that influence their communities’ development and the voice of those most left out is dwindles, making them more vulnerable. Charity builds social capital that supplements government development efforts to bring out such voices.
In Uganda the magnitude of need is enormous and government is over stretched. By committing our resources to carefully targeted few who are talented but crippled by social constructs we hope to cause the biggest possible impact and change to lives.
